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How it Works - Simple as 1-2-3

AccuRecruiter is a personalized experience for each candidate. The video is based on your company message, questions are asked based on your requirements, paths a candidate take are also based on your company needs. We do it all, quickly and simply.



  1. Customize Script – Choose from our library of questions and assessments for candidates. We also can develop questions specific for your organization simply and quickly.
  2. Produce Video – We create the video based on your chosen questions and ensure your company brand message is communicated.
  3. Technology Enabled – We provide a simple backend database that gives recruiters all they information they need to follow up with candidates.

AccuRecruiter seamlessly integrates with any Applicant Tracking System (ATS). It can be placed before the ATS process or after.


See if AccuRecruiter is right for your company.

Click here to take our short video audit of your online application process.


Recruiting Dashboard: